Este blog se ha realizado a petición del profesor de Recursos Didácticos Julio Torrecillas con el fin de que tengamos un diario de clase y que sirva de ayuda para otras personas y compañeros profesionales de la docencia.
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martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015
domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015
Os quiero presentar la "maqueta" de mi futura clase. Al final me
he decidido por el programa que podréis encontrar en la esta página web:
En clase Julio nos propuso un par de programas, y, y nos dijo que había muchísimos más, así que me puse manos a la obra a
buscar y encontré éste otro. Me decidí por Teq por que refleja de una forma más
detallada la presencia de las tecnologías de la información en la educación. He
de decir que no tiene mucha variedad en cuanto a inmobiliario, a mí
personalmente me hubiese gustado incluir un par de estanterías y un par de
taquillas al fondo de la clase para el alumnado. finalmente me decidí por éste
programa, y en mi clase podéis ver que la distribución de la clase se hace a
partir de grupos de cuatro, grupos que no siempre estarán compuestos por los
mismos miembros sino que irán rotando después de la finalización de cada unidad
didáctica, atendiendo a un test sociométrico previamente realizado a la clase
analizando las relaciones sociales que se establecen entre los miembros del
grupo, en concreto tres aspectos: el nivel de afectividad, el liderazgo y el
rechazo, y los subgrupos. La clase consta de ocho mesas, una del profesor, tres
redondas con una Tablet para cada alumno en las que los alumnos trabajarán
utilizando Internet, otras tres rectangulares en las que los niños tienen
elementos para jugar con los que también aprenderán cosas muy valiosas y dónde
también tienen un sistema de respuesta para comunicarse con el resto de la
clase y participar a pesar de estar un poco más alejados de la clase. Entre
ambas líneas de trabajo podemos ver dos pequeñas mesitas interactivas donde
podrán consultar sus dudas acerca del tema. A la derecha de la mesa del
profesor podemos encontrar una mesa de debate en la que los alumnos que tengan
algún problema, irán a solucionarlo pacíficamente con la presencia de un alumno
que actuará de juez, y dos alumnos que actuarán de letrados de los alumnos que
participan en el conflicto, siempre bajo la supervisión del profesor.
La clase consta de dos pizarras digitales, una que utilizará el maestro y la otra que la utilizaran los alumnos ya que se trata de una pizarra en la que pueden interactuar varios alumnos a la vez, una televisión para analizar contenidos televisivos en algunos momentos y una pequeña pizarra digital en la que los alumnos tendrán puestas las normas del aula. Y en una clase así no nos puede faltar una pequeña zona verde donde encontramos plantas y un pequeño acuario con una mascota que la clase se ocupará de cuidar, para desarrollar así un sentimiento de responsabilidad bastante bueno. Y bueno con tantas cosas tan buenas ya sólo hace falta una maestra que se haga cargo de utilizarlo de manera que repercuta de buena forma en el alumnado y que trate de enseñar, cuidar y ayudar a sus alumnos lo mejor que pueda.
La clase consta de dos pizarras digitales, una que utilizará el maestro y la otra que la utilizaran los alumnos ya que se trata de una pizarra en la que pueden interactuar varios alumnos a la vez, una televisión para analizar contenidos televisivos en algunos momentos y una pequeña pizarra digital en la que los alumnos tendrán puestas las normas del aula. Y en una clase así no nos puede faltar una pequeña zona verde donde encontramos plantas y un pequeño acuario con una mascota que la clase se ocupará de cuidar, para desarrollar así un sentimiento de responsabilidad bastante bueno. Y bueno con tantas cosas tan buenas ya sólo hace falta una maestra que se haga cargo de utilizarlo de manera que repercuta de buena forma en el alumnado y que trate de enseñar, cuidar y ayudar a sus alumnos lo mejor que pueda.
sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2015
El día a día va avanzando a una manera brutal. Tenemos que adaptar este rápido avance de las tecnologías al aula, debido a que por un lado, a los niños de seis a doce años les motiva el saber que van a aprender de una manera dinámica y divertida, y no de la manera monótona que habido en el sistema educativo español durante varios años. También (bajo mi propio punto de vista) pienso que es necesario realizar este cambio y adaptarnos, debido a que no nos podemos estancar a la hora de trabajar y educar a los niños en cualquier área de conocimiento. Debemos avanzar y cambiar la manera de educar para poder asegurarnos que los niños vuelven a sentir ganas por aprender y, con ayuda de las Tic, se puede lograr.
Uno de estos pasos para lograr el "cambio", es modificar la distribución de la clase (Clase 2.0). Muchos colegios y escuelas aún tienen la llamada "aula del cogote" en la que los niños se sientan uno detrás de otro individualmente y atienden a la cabeza pensante, que es el profesor. Pero en mi opinión este tipo de administración de alumnos sería mucho más eficaz trabajando cooperativamente y sentados en grupo, ya que así se pueden ayudar unos a otros.
viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015
Follow Me! was a series of television programmes produced by the BBC in the late 1970s to provide a crash course in the English language.
It became popular in many overseas countries as a first introduction to
English; in 1983, one hundred million people watched the show in China
alone, featuring Kathy Flower.
The British actor Francis Matthews hosted and narrated the series.
The course consists of sixty lessons. Each lesson lasts from 12 to 15 minutes and covers a specific lexis. The lessons follow a consistent group of actors, with the relationships between their characters developing during the course.
Different varieties of English are presented.
The British actor Francis Matthews hosted and narrated the series.
The course consists of sixty lessons. Each lesson lasts from 12 to 15 minutes and covers a specific lexis. The lessons follow a consistent group of actors, with the relationships between their characters developing during the course.
Different varieties of English are presented.
miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015
jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015
Each add-on specifies which applications and versions it works with. These add-ons are really interesting and we can use them for instance to download videos or mp3 (easy youtube downloader) files from youtube; and many other interesting actions.
potatoes includes six applications.
applications enable you to create interactive:
and ordering
can be uploaded to the World Wide Web.
potatoes is freeware, and you may use it for any purpose or project.
matching and ordering.
jumbed sentences
fill in the gaps
multiple choice, true or false, text entry or short answer.
Potatoes suite: the masher
masher is a tool for automatically compiling hot potatoes exercises
into units.
you have five hot potatoes exercises that form a single unit
materials and you want to build HTML from all the exercises, with the
same colours and appearance settings; you also want to link the
exercise together using the navigation buttons, and create an index
file for the unit. The masher will do it for you.
designed with HP should be saved in two different formats:
(extensions: jmt, jms, jqz, jcl, jcw)
FILE (to be used with any web browser)
A Jmix
activity produces a jumbled word or sentence activity.
of a single word may be jumbled, or the words of a sentence.
uses the standard and drag-and-drop types of output files should be
saved in towo different formats.
can create four different types of questions:
(a short-answer question that turns into a multiple choice questions
after several attempts), and
(in which the learner has to choose several of a set of options, then
check the choices).
Jmatch program creates matching or ordering exercises.
A list
of fixed items appears on the left (These can be pictures or text),
with jumbled items on the right.
can be used for matching vocabulary to picture or translations or for
ordering sentencesto form a sequence or a conversation.
learner choose an answer by clicking on a button.
If the
answer is correct, the button caption will change to a smily face :-)
and if it is wrong, it will change to an x.
either case, the student will see the feedback specific to that
answer, explaining why it is right or wong (assuming you write the
feedback when you make the exercise!).
If the
answer is wrong, the learner can continue choosing answer until a
correct answer is selected.
Once a
correct answer is chosen, the scaring is “frozen”, but the
learner can still click on buttons to see the feedback for other
answers without penalty.
program creates gap-fill exercises.
correct answers can e specified for each gap, and the student can ask
for a hint and see the letter of the correct answer.
specific clue can also be included for each gap.
scoring is also included. The program allowa gapping of selected
words, or automatic gapping of every new word in a text.
should be saved in the same folder.
HP does
not include software for the edition of images, sound or video.
software: Gimp, Youtube editor, Audacity,...
long names, without spaces.
read spaces as : 20%
may be naigation errors. Reading_in_English …..Reading in English.
martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015
sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015
Reasons against using interactive whiteboards
Tight budgets
Interactive whiteboards are not cheap, and many educators believe that students are better served by allocating funds to teacher salaries.Traditionalist educators
According to Education Week, one of the biggest complaints about interactive whiteboards is that they are often underutilized by poorly trained or technically-challenged teachers.Reasons in favor of using interactive whiteboards
Powerful visual tools for teachers
Using interactive whiteboards, teachers can create lessons that incorporate video, moving diagrams, and online content to help explain difficult material and to keep students engaged.Ability for students to interact
Students can interact in a variety of ways with whiteboards, including writing on them, manipulating objects in matching or sorting games, or voting on answers with the help of handheld devices.
Display student projects
Interactive whiteboards allow teachers to showcase projects that students have created using software such as PowerPoint. These types of projects may look more impressive on a big screen, and most students enjoy seeing their work displayed in this fashion.
viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015
An interactive whiteboard is an instructional tool that allows
computer images to be displayed onto a board using a digital projector.
The instructor can then manipulate the elements on the board by using
his finger as a mouse, directly on the screen. Items can be dragged,
clicked and copied and the lecturer can handwrite notes, which can be
transformed into text and saved.
They are a powerful tool in the classroom adding interactivity and collaboration, allowing the integration of media content into the lecture and supporting collaborative learning. Used innovatively they create a wide range of learning opportunities. However, in many environments they are not being used to their full potential, and in many cases acting as glorified blackboards.
They are a powerful tool in the classroom adding interactivity and collaboration, allowing the integration of media content into the lecture and supporting collaborative learning. Used innovatively they create a wide range of learning opportunities. However, in many environments they are not being used to their full potential, and in many cases acting as glorified blackboards.
Connecting the IWB
- Video connection (photos of each type of connection)
The usage of IWB in primary education.
miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015
- The knowledge children have of the languages they know has essenially been acquired through its use.
- Therefore, this is the way it should be followed in the foreing language.
- For that reason, the didactic approach should be focused on the use of the target language in the class.
- The essential condition to facilitate this process is to focus the didactic intervention on a real and continuous use of the language, which acquires more importance if we consider that, in most cases, our boys and girls do not have more possibilities of contact with the foreign language than the one they have within the school framework.
- The fact of starting from a very limited linguistic competence in most pupils, makes necessary to guide educational practice more to the establishment of this competence that to its developmente to improvement.
- At the same ime, the communicative context should be used a as a support for the verification of the hypotheses formulated through the use for the verification of the hypotheses formulated through the use of the expressions and the positive or negative feedback that the context can provide.
- Pupils should be given the opportunity to put into practice what they have been exposed to.
- How can they learn a foreign language if they are not given the opportunity to practice it?
- As a general rule, we can say that, at the beginning, most of the class time should be devoted to listening to an intelligible input and speaking (by repaeating, asking and answering questions, drilling, etc.).
- Once they gain confidence (not acquire) in speaking adn understandig messsages in the foreign language, they can begin the process of reading and writing in that foreign language with vocabulary, set phrases,... they are familiar with in the FL and also in their mother tongue. “Do not introduce any concept which has not been acquiered in their mother tongue”
- Summing up, following a Communicative Language Teaching Approach, the time the teacher is speaking, explaining, .. should be reduced and, the time the students are producing the foreign language increased. “The time the teacher talks should be reduced dramatically”.
viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015
An increasingly sense of educational community for students and teachers due
to the proximity effect produced by social networks is appearing, therefore there is an improvement of
the working environment among students to see everything as something
- Slideshare
- SpeakerDeck (pdf)
- Isuu (pdf)
- Authorstream (powerpoint)
- Zentation (videos and power point)
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015
lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015
Peer-to-Peer file sharing of computer files using a networking technology. P2P is a special kind of network type ('Network topology' is the fancy
description). It describes computers that are networked to each other
without a central server being in-between. It allowas users to acces media files such as books, musc, movies, and games using P2P.
The earliest one (Napster) to the latest one (BitTorrent protocol).
Several factor contributed to the widespread adoption of P2P file sharing:
The earliest one (Napster) to the latest one (BitTorrent protocol).
Several factor contributed to the widespread adoption of P2P file sharing:
- Increasing Internet bandwidth.
- The widespread digitization of physical media.
- The increasing capabilities of personal computers.
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015
i-Tunes for reproducing sound and video.
i-Tunes in the cloud (icloud) allowa the availability of all files in the different associated devices. (iphone, ipad, etc.)
CDs and MP3.
i-Tunes in the cloud (icloud) allowa the availability of all files in the different associated devices. (iphone, ipad, etc.)
CDs and MP3.
humorously by Jones as “a well-built horizontal surface where mugs
of coffee may conveniently be placed”.
Projectors project transparencies onto a screen or a white wall.
An overhead projector works on the same principle as a 35mm slide projector, in which a focusing lens projects light from an illuminated slide onto a projection screen where a real image is formed. However some differences are necessitated by the much larger size of the transparencies
used (generally the size of a printed page), and the requirement that
the transparency be placed face up (and readable to the presenter). For
the latter purpose, the projector includes a mirror just before or after
the focusing lens to fold the optical system toward the horizontal.
That mirror also accomplishes a reversal of the image in order that the
image projected onto the screen corresponds to that of the slide as seen
by the presenter looking down at it, rather than a mirror image thereof.
domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015
- Interactuar y compartir.
- Las redes sociales están en continua evolución.
- Se producen trasvases significativos de una red a otra y de una generación a otras.
- Servicios basados en páginas web.
- Permiten la construcción de un perfil (público o semi-público) dentro de ese servicio o sistema.
- Existe cada vez más una diferencia abismal entre las personas con acceso a Internet y las que no, quedando en franca desventaja con los que si.
- El usuario decide lo que quiere compartir y con quién lo quiere compartir.
- El usuario puede hacer comentarios, incluir gráficos, fotografías, vídeos, enlaces,...
- Existen muchísimas redes sociales.
- Posibilidad de inter-conectar usuarios.
- Control de la privacidad: compartimos nuestros comentarios, vídeos, fotos, etc. con quien deseamos.
- Posibilidad de "chat" o conversaciones en línea.
- En los teléfonos móviles entran otras redes sociales.
jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015
La seguridad es algo imprescindible en el campo de la web y más cuando trabajamos con niños y es que cómo bien dijo Julio hay que considerar que los niños con los que tratamos son nuestros propios hijos, ¿nos gustaría que tuviesen unos maestros como nosotros?
-Instalar software antivirus y firewall (por ejemplo: Panda)
- Instalar programas Antispyware.
· Spybot Search and Destroy.
· Microsoft Windows Defender.
- Conectar a internet e instalar las actualizaciones de seguridad del sistema operativo.
- Instalar programas Antispyware.
· Spybot Search and Destroy.
· Microsoft Windows Defender.
- Conectar a internet e instalar las actualizaciones de seguridad del sistema operativo.
- Protección permanente de archivos.
- Protección permanente de correo.
- Firewall (bloquea programas para que no puedan acceder a nuestro sistema)
- La instalación de dos programas firewall puede impedir su correcto funcionamiento (por ejemplo: si está instalado el firewall de Windows, desactivará el firewall de panda)
Podemos optar por una navegación anónima mediante el uso de las siguientes direcciones:
Evitan que detecten nuestra dirección y elimina los peligros sobre la privacidad que provienen de las páginas que visitamos (neutralizan los cookies)
Se instala en nuestro ordenador y actúa generalmente abriendo una puerta trasera que permite el acceso remoto a nuestro ordenador por parte de un atacante.
· salvaguarda de los datos que mantenemos en nuestro ordenador
· pueden afectar al normal funcionamiento del sistema
· podemos afectar otros ordenadores reenviando archivos
· todos nuestros archivos pueden estar a la vista de otras personas
· todos nuestro sistema puede acabar en manos de terceros sin poder tener ningún control sobre los mismos
PHISHING: He conocido un nuevo concepto. El de phishing que es el acto de robo de información a través del correo y que en ingles puede tener dos sentidos:
1. acto de atentar de forma deshonestas para conseguir información personal importante a través del engaño
2. duplicación de una página web que existe para engañar y seducir a los usuarios y estos proporcionen información financiera y o personal a través de internet
- http son todas las paginas pero si la página empieza por https, la “s” nos indica que se trata de una página segura y viene acompañada de un candado.
SPAM: se trata de un correo electrónico (casi siempre de tipo publicitario) no solicitado por el usuario y que es enviado de forma masiva.
· no es agresivo
· no produce ninguna avería ni tampoco afecta al sistema como el virus
· aunque se toman muchas medidas para evitarlo sigue penetrando en nuestras cuentas de correo
REGLAS: término que utiliza Microsoft para referirse a la gestión del correo solicitado
GESTIÓN: herramientas y regla del mensaje. Modificas qué correos quieres que se vayan a distintas carpetas además de a la papelera.
· Detener las conexiones remotas, desconectarse de la red
· No mover el ratón ni activar el teclado
· Apagar el sistema
· Arrancar Windows en modo de prueba de fallos
· Escanear el disco duro o discos duros con tu software antivirus
· Hacer copia de seguridad de los ficheros que te interesan
· Formatear el disco duro bajo nivel si no te queda otra solución
· Instalar nuevamente el sistema operativo y restaurar las copias de seguridad
REGLAS: término que utiliza Microsoft para referirse a la gestión del correo solicitado
GESTIÓN: herramientas y regla del mensaje. Modificas qué correos quieres que se vayan a distintas carpetas además de a la papelera.
- Escanear regularmente el disco duro, por ejemplo una vez a la semana, el pendrive, tarjeta de memoria y archivos descargados de Internet
- Usar Software con licencia
· Detener las conexiones remotas, desconectarse de la red
· No mover el ratón ni activar el teclado
· Apagar el sistema
· Arrancar Windows en modo de prueba de fallos
· Escanear el disco duro o discos duros con tu software antivirus
· Hacer copia de seguridad de los ficheros que te interesan
· Formatear el disco duro bajo nivel si no te queda otra solución
· Instalar nuevamente el sistema operativo y restaurar las copias de seguridad
miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization whose head office is located in the city of Mountain View, California, in the United States of America, which allows the use and share of both, creativity and knowledge through a series of legal instruments free of charge.
The best way to understand what CC are is watching this short video:
Creative Commons (CC) grant certain basic rights. Six main types:
- - Attribution (CC-BY)
- - Attribution-Share Alike (CC-BY-SA)
- - Attribution-No Derivative Works. (CC-BY-SN)
- - Recognition BY
- - Non-Commercial (NC)
- - Share Alike (SA)
- Semi-free Software: No totally free but it can be redistributed, copied ... Nonprofit; specially designed for educational institutions, NGOs ... - Shareware: Software which can be tested by the user for an amount of time specified in the EULA. If after that time you have decided to continue using it you would have to pay a certain amount of money, usually not to much. - Adware: Software that while running, display or pop-up ads or that it is attached to a program or window (toolbar ... ) - Demo / Trials: software with limited possibilities, the total functionality of the progra is not available.
sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015
- THE CEFR (Common European framework)
common European framework of reference for languages: Learning,
teaching, assessment. The common European Framework provides a common
basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum
guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. across Europe. It describes
perfectly, what language learners have to learn to do in order to use
a language for communication and what knowledge and skills they have
to develop so as to be able to act effectively. The description also
covers the cultural context in which language is set. The framework
also defines levels of profiency which allow learners’ progress to
be measured at each stage of learning and on a life-long basis.
and objectives of CEFR
- To promote the national and international collaboration of governmental and non-governmental institutions engaged in the development of methods of teaching and evaluation in the field of modern language learning and in the production and use of materials, including multi-media materials.
- To take such steps are necessary to complete the establishment of an effective European system of information exchange covering all aspects of language learning, teaching and research, and making full use of information technology.
- In addition to that, each European country offers curricular designs that set the objectives, contents and methodological principles to be followed locally.
- It adopts an action-oriented approach, as it considers users and learners of a language primarily as social agents.
- Language use and language learning is described as follows:
- Language use, embracing language learning, comprises the actions performed by persons who as individuals and as social agents develop a range of competences, both general and in particular communicative language competences.
- They draw on the competences to engage in language activities involving language processes to produce and/or receive texts in relation to themes in specific domains, activating those strategies which seem most appropriate for carrying out the tasks to be accomplished.
sum of knowledge and skills that allow a person to perform actions.
types of competences:
- General competences: (knowledge, facts, concepts, principles, rules…)
- Skills, procedures and strategies (procedural knowledge: knowing how to use declarative knowledge).
- Attitudes and values.
- Ability to learn
- Communicative language competences empower a person to act using linguistic means.
- Linguistic competences, which include lexical, semantic, phonological, syntactic knowledge and skills.
- Sociolinguistic competences to do with the social conditions of language use: rules of politeness, gender, social groups, etc.
- Pragmatic competences: These are concerned with the functional use of linguistic resources. They refer to language functions and speech acts.
exercise of one’s communicative language competence in a specific
domain. It involves:
- Reception (listening, reading)
- Production (speaking, writing)
- Interaction (e.g. listening-speaking; reading-writing)
context of language use:
the events and situational factors in which communicative acts are
are spheres of action that contextualize language activities. They
may be public, personal, educational and occupational.
Language tasks involve the reception, production, interaction or
mediation of oral or written texts. If you have a definite propose
you will probably reach it.
performing these tasks, the use of strategies
is needed.
be described in terms of the locations
and times
at which they occur, the persons
involved, the events
that take place, the actions
performed by the persons involved and the texts
used in each situations.
refers to any purposeful action as necessary in order to achieve a
given result in the context of a problem to be solved, an obligation
to fulfill or an objective to be achieved. This definition would
cover a wide range of actions such as moving a wardrobe, writing a
book, obtaining certain conditions in the negotiation of a contract,
playing a game of cards, ordering a meal in a restaurant, translating
a foreign language text or preparing a class newspaper through group
level of profiency
Common European Framework divides learners into three broad
divisions, divided, at the same time into six different levels.
Basic user
Breakthrough or beginner
Waystage or elementary
Independent user
Threshold or intermediate
Vantage or upper intermediate
Proficient user
Effective operational profiency or advanced
Mastery or profiency
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015
Uno de los grandes avances que ha aportado Internet al mundo de la fotografía son los servicios de intercambio de instantáneas, que cada vez ofrecen más espacio, cuentan con más opciones de edición, cuestan menos -o son gratuitos- y son más sencillos de utilizar.
Facebook y otras redes sociales se han convertido en uno de los principales sitios en los que compartir fotografías. Sin embargo, aquellos que no solo quieren compartir, sino ordenar, editar y conservar la calidad, pueden elegir entre muchas opciones:
Es una aplicación de búsqueda en el escritorio que permitía encontrar texto en mensajes de correo electrónico, archivos del equipo, chats y páginas web visitadas. El proyecto finalizó el 14 de septiembre de 2011.
Al habilitar su equipo para la búsqueda, el programa permitía acceder fácilmente a su información y así no tener que organizar manualmente archivos, mensajes, marcadores.
Tras descargarlo, la aplicación crea un índice de todo el contenido qe admitía búsquedas y lo almacenaba en el equipo para permitir encontrar la información con la misma facilidad con la que se realiza una búsqueda en internet mediante Google. A diferencia del software de búsqueda tradicional que se actualizaba diariamente, esta aplicación actualiza continuamente la mayor parte de archivos.
Para tener imágenes en la web, podemos utilizar diferentes programas como:
Al habilitar su equipo para la búsqueda, el programa permitía acceder fácilmente a su información y así no tener que organizar manualmente archivos, mensajes, marcadores.
Tras descargarlo, la aplicación crea un índice de todo el contenido qe admitía búsquedas y lo almacenaba en el equipo para permitir encontrar la información con la misma facilidad con la que se realiza una búsqueda en internet mediante Google. A diferencia del software de búsqueda tradicional que se actualizaba diariamente, esta aplicación actualiza continuamente la mayor parte de archivos.
Para tener imágenes en la web, podemos utilizar diferentes programas como:
Picasa, que sirve para compartir las imágenes.
Es una herramienta web para visualizar, organizar y editar fotografía digitales. Posee un sitio web integrado para compartir fotos. Esta aplicación fe creada originalmente por una compañía llamada Lifescape en 2002 y es propiedad de Google desde el año 2004.
Flickr, es un sitio web gratuito que permite almacenar, ordenar, buscar, vender y compartir fotografías y vídeos en línea, cuenta con una importante comunidad de usuarios que comparten las fotografías y vídeos creados por ellos mismos. Esta comunidad se rige por normas de comportamientos y condiciones de uso que favorecen la buena gestión de los contenidos.
Social Bookmarking, son redes sociales que permiten almacenar, clasificar y compartir enlaces en Internet o en una Intranet. Aquí os dejo algunos enlaces:
Otra utilidad sería para reunir personas con mismos gustos y aficiones.
Es una herramienta web para visualizar, organizar y editar fotografía digitales. Posee un sitio web integrado para compartir fotos. Esta aplicación fe creada originalmente por una compañía llamada Lifescape en 2002 y es propiedad de Google desde el año 2004.
Flickr, es un sitio web gratuito que permite almacenar, ordenar, buscar, vender y compartir fotografías y vídeos en línea, cuenta con una importante comunidad de usuarios que comparten las fotografías y vídeos creados por ellos mismos. Esta comunidad se rige por normas de comportamientos y condiciones de uso que favorecen la buena gestión de los contenidos.
Social Bookmarking, son redes sociales que permiten almacenar, clasificar y compartir enlaces en Internet o en una Intranet. Aquí os dejo algunos enlaces:
Otra utilidad sería para reunir personas con mismos gustos y aficiones.
Aquí os dejo una página que trata éste tema con más detalle.
martes, 27 de octubre de 2015
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con éste vídeo, muy muy bueno y fácil de entender, no os lo perdáis.
lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015
Using images, sound and videos in the classroom.
Aquí os dejo un par de páginas muy interesantes que hemos visto en clase:
- flickercc/ under----creative commons
- advanced google advanced search
- Morgue file
- Wikimedia commons
- free sound and music
- JAMENDO: Free music to be used in podcasts, presentations, etc...
- VIMEO: Sound and vimeo, many files which are not free.
- Animoto.
- Recording, editing and exporting audio.
- Free software.
- It is neccesary to include another program to able to export the file into MP3: LAME (
domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015
first level that we are going to analyze is the Grammar
translation Method:
- In the presentation, there is a long list of vocabulary items.
- The vocabulary is always translated.
- Phonetics
- Explanation of the grammatical rules (they explain the grammatical rules in Spanish)
Objectives (till the XX century):
- Reading and writing
- Grammar structures and translation
- Study of morphology and syntax.
- Memorization of grammar rules and long list of vocabulary items.
- Teacher-centered. (the teacher is the centre of the class)
- Textbooks are fundamental.
aspects that can be analyzed:
- No use of the second language in the class, except for translation; they usually use Spanish and they use English only for translations.
- The vocabulary is learnt by memorizing long list.
- Reading and writing are the center of the class: no place for listening and speaking.
- Grammar and syntax are extremely important for language learning. Grammar is taught deductively.
Teacher gives the rules and the students apply them.
they need to deal with the English discovering.
Grammar method should attach on the need and necessities that the
students have.
interaction was conducted exclusively in the target language (lengua
como objeto de estudio). - Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
- Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded progression…
- Grammar was taught inductively.
- New teaching points were introduced orally.
- Concrete vocabulary was taught trough demonstration, objects and pictures…
- Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.
- Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.
Summing up/ Main objectives- Objectives: Conversation, discussion.
- Use of the mother tongue is forbidden.
- Mainly oral production and listening.
- No translation.
- No grammar rules. Inductive.
- Lot of imagination and inspiration.
- Tiring for the teacher
- A problem for shy students.
of a lesson:
- Presentation of the topic in the target language.
- Students repeat (chorus, whole class, groups, rows, …)
- The teacher explains a topic normally from real life situations. She uses objects, mime, etc as the language used in the target language.
- Use of songs and games in the classroom.
- Use of wall charts, posters, and visual aids used in the classroom.
- Listening and speaking are promoted from the very beginning.
at an early age like playing with the spoken language”.
The audio-lingual method, Army Method, or New Key, is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages. It is based on behaviorist theory, which professes that certain traits of living things, and in this case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement—correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait (cualidad) would receive negative feedback. They use vocabulary, phonetics, sentence patterns and the construction of drills.It makes use of Pattern DrillingAFFIRMATIVE/NEGATIVEI/you/we/theyHAVE (‘VE)HAVE NOT (HAVEN’T)GOTA(NEW)TeacherHESHEHAS (‘S)HAS NOT (HASN’T)THE(COLOUR)TVINTERROGATIVEHAVEI/YOU/WE/THEYGOTATV?HASSHE/HE/(IT*)THETEACHER?
- Audio oral (lingual) Method
- Listening and reading is after the teacher.
- Drills: Mechanical oral exercises.
- Teacher centered: the teacher is the one he do the most.
- Grouping of students: group, pairs…
- Language laboratory. New technology caught publishers and text-book writers unprepared.
- Prevent errors as they can be remembered.
- COMMUNITY LANGUAGE LEARNING METHOD (CLL)Community language learning (CLL) is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counsellor and a paraphraser, while the learner acts as a collaborator, although sometimes this role can be changed.Examples of these types of communities have recently arisen with the explosion of educational resources for language learning on the Web.
- It was created especially for adult learners who might fear to appear foolish.
- Teacher becomes a language counsellor
- Students work in small groups
- Teacher coordinates, guides, helps…
- Students feel confidentSUGGESTOPEDIA METHODSuggestopedia (US English) or Suggestopædia (UK English) is a teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov. It is used in different fields, but mostly in the field of foreign language learning. Lozanov has claimed that by using this method a teacher's students can learn a language approximately three to five times as quickly as through conventional teaching methods.Suggestopedia has been called a pseudoscience. It strongly depends on the trust that students develop towards the method by simply believing that it worksThe intended purpose of Suggestopedia was to enhance learning by tapping into the power of suggestion. Lozanov claims that “suggestopedia is a system for liberation”; liberation from the “preliminary negative concept regarding the difficulties in the process of learning” that is established throughout their life in the society.
- The only major linguistic problems in the language classroom are memorization and integration.
- The result of the appropriate use of suggestion is an enormous increase in the individual’s ability to learn. (lozanov)
Silent Way is
commonly defined as a teaching method for foreign languages in which
the teachers are mostly silent and use rods and charts as their main
teaching tools. Although Silent
Way teachers
do use rods and charts most of the time there can be Silent
Way teaching
without these tools while at the same time there may be teachers who
use the suggested tools but do not really follow the Silent
- Teaching should be subordinated to learning.
- Students should be able to use the language for self expression.
- Students become independent by relying on themselves (confiando en si mismos).
- Only the learner can do learning.
TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE (TPR) / COMPREHENSION APPROACHTotal physical response (TPR) is a language-teaching method developed by James Asher, It is based on the coordination of language and physical movement. In TPR, instructors give commands to students in the target language, and students respond with whole-body actions. The method is an example of the comprehension approach to language teaching. Listening serves two purposes; it is both a means of understanding messages in the language being learned, and a means of learning the structure of the language itself. Grammar is not taught explicitly, but is induced from the language input.NATURAL APPROACH
- Observing how children acquire their mother tongue.
- The child chooses to speak when it is ready.
- The teacher helps his/her students to understand him/her by using pictures and occasional words in the students’ native language.
- Students are permitted to use their native language along with the target language.
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