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miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016


  • Reading aloud or reading silently.
  • Silent reading: Scanning, skimming, intensive and extensive.

 Reading aloud

  • In the first years of primary education storytelling plays an important role in the process of learning.
  • More effective if the story is told (or read) aloud due to the fact that learners become more involved and consequently more motivated.
  • Students can show that they recognize written and spoken forms and the relationship between form and meaning.
  • At early and intermediate levels can be used to check bottom-up processing skills or simply pronunciation.

  • It is not a very authentic activity.
  • It is a boring activity because while one student is reading, the others can easily lose attention.
  • It’s not an interactive activity because students only have to recite.

 Silent reading

  • The most common and natural type of reading.
  • Different goals can be pursued depending on the predetermined purpose of reading:
Scanning: search of specific information within a text: relevant dates, numbers in a directory, times on a timetable or key concepts in an academic text.
Skimming. Very common in everyday life; used to get a global impression of the content of a text (the gist of the text). Requires a definite reading competence because it implies an overall view of the text. It Develops students’ self-confidence since they obtain a lot of information without needing much reading.

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